An Open Letter To Christians
This is my second open letter. (You can read the first one here). In it, I discuss two observable issues which Christians, perhaps, in this part of the world, do not pay close attention to, as I’ve shown. These matters have been treated lightly, as though they’re trivial, when their implications say otherwise.
1. The importance of logic
The Christian community I have come to meet arguably does not appreciate the value of logical reasoning. I find it quite absurd, because the more I defend the gospels the more I realize how relevant logic is to that cause. Some arguments for God’s existence, for instance, are based on logical principles which supports the theistic proposition that God exists. But you’ll find many Christians treat this sort of arguments like they’re useless for the evangelistic call. I’ve read far too many write-ups from Christians who treat logical reasoning that way. Perhaps this is the way people in this part of the world, in general, see logical reasoning. They often think that some things cannot be explained by way of logic, especially matters of Faith. And I agree with them. But what I disagree with is that logical reasoning cannot explain anything that is Faith-based. It’s not true. We can use logic to explain a lot of matters that are Faith-based. How we make certain conclusions are matters concerned with logic. Someone may, for instance, describe the story of Jesus as legendary, and, let’s assume, you’re asked to provide reasons why it’s not. When doing so, you’d most likely appeal to logical principles, whether you realize it or not, by using some premises which would state your stand. You may, for the purpose of objecting the description above, talk about the simplicity of the gospel of Mark. My point is that the practice of logic is useful in this day and age where people are looking for what is reasonably sound. And I find logical reasoning meeting such people while agreeing to the limitation it sometimes has.
2. Jesus is enough
The other thing I’d like to mention is how we apply what we believe as Christians. Far too many Christians apply certain philosophies which contradict their Faith. Whether it’s ethical or metaphysical, some Christians just move away from what their worldview espouse into those of others, oftentimes, being unaware of it. I’ve noticed it in my own conversation with Christian brothers and sisters. They claim to be Christians yet hold relativism true (even what I said was not offered as a relative truth). I think part of it may have been the result of our little or no devotion to reading the word of God. We have abandoned the very Word that defines our being and worldview by adopting other definitions from elsewhere, and then we call ourselves Christians. Dating/marriage is one area where many Christians abandon God’s definition by adopting some fanciful one which later would ruin their lives. Isn’t it Christ we proclaim? Then why do we hold to the teachings of other worldview? I was shocked one time when I saw a Christian adopt the teachings of Karma simply because she thought it ‘spoke’ to her. ‘Why won’t she rather allow the Word of God speak to her?’ We’ve allowed too many voices speak to us that is contrary to our worldview. What music do you listen to? That’s also another area where different kinds of systems go contrary to our belief system. Movies are no exception. (The more reason I wrote 5 Hidden Truths Behind Tyler Perry’s Acrimony). And it breaks my heart because those other definitions are no better than ours. We proclaim a truth like no other and we need to cherish that truth, as it has everything we need for our wellbeing. Jesus is enough. We imply the opposite when we apply definitions contrary to our worldview.
Thank you
Rex Krampa