Entertaining other worldviews can lead you away from the Christian faith.

Rex Krampa
2 min readDec 23, 2018


Entertaining other worldview

This can lead you away from the Christian faith. Every worldview has its own design, agenda and vision. Christopher Hitchens wants a belief in God to be broken from our mentality. He stated plainly in his debate with John Lennox that such a break would make us free. I don’t know why freedom from the God-mentality is such a good thing anyway. For him to say that we need a break from the God-mentality, means he thinks it is an objective good. Meanwhile, his atheistic worldview does not have any grounding for objective good. His statement, therefore, is begging the question. We can say an atheistic vision has been made known here by Christopher Hitchens. And entertaining such a worldview would mean a gradual break from the God-mentality, especially for those who can’t discern the break in their atheism. I find the gift of discernment very helpful here. The Islamic worldview at one time had its grip on me because of the details, (at least, that was what I thought), it gave to the stories I read in it. The account of Jesus’ birth, for example, was, to my mind, richer than the Gospels. I was entertaining their view not knowing the historical gaps it took to even put those stories together. The worldviews we entertain are most at times filled with gaps and breaks, which would take some discerning, study, critical thinking, truth-testing, and so on to figure out. We need to be sure we have these gifts and skills before considering them. I once heard Mensah Otabil say he was reading a book titled, The God Delusion. Guess what, it was written by Christopher Hitchens!



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